The cabbage soup diet is a diet of 7 low calorie days. Several versions of this regimen, but all of them include eating a lot of cabbage soup combined with a series of precise foods.
The principle of the cabbage soup diet
Some say that cabbage contains properties that help burn calories. The objective of this scheme is to eat cabbage soup every day by adding certain foods. This regime of 7 days (to be followed by a stabilization phase a further 7 days) is based on a low-calorie soup consumption, combined with other food 2 or 3 depending on the day, and can be eaten to satiety.
The soup is made with seasonal vegetables (onion, cabbage, tomato, celery, carrot ...) that are boiled for 10 minutes without any fat and then cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender. Do not go through the passes through the blender and puree, thereby increasing the effect of satiety. If you like, you can vary the flavor of the soup by adding spices. As for the drink, you can drink water, tea and coffee without sugar.
Cabbage Soup Diet
Day 1: Cabbage soup and fruit, except bananas.
Day 2: Soup of green vegetables. Avoid eating legumes such as corn, peas or beans. For dinner, you can eat a baked potato with a little butter. Do not eat fruit.
Day 3: Cabbage soup and fruit (except bananas) and green vegetables.
Day 4: Cabbage soup, skim milk at will and at most 8 bananas.
Day 5: Cabbage soup, between 300 and 500 g of beef and up to six fresh tomatoes. Drink about 7 or 8 glasses of water to cleanse the body.
Day 6: Cabbage soup and roast beef or skinless chicken. Consume with vegetables at will.
Day 7: Cabbage soup and brown rice; vegetables and unsweetened fruit juice at will.
Diet Results Cabbage Soup
Rapid weight loss: 5 to 7 kg
Advantages of Cabbage Soup Diet
There is usually a feeling of hunger, because many of the foods can be consumed at will.
The purgative virtues allow the body to "cleanse" the body.
It is an inexpensive and easy diet to follow. It can be an alternative to lose weight quickly, but then you must adopt a healthy lifestyle type to hold the line and health.
Disadvantages of Cabbage Soup Diet
The weight is regained almost systematically, even after the stabilization phase. Losing fat may be accompanied by muscle and bone loss, fatigue and general malaise.
It is not a nutritionally balanced diet, with a risk of deprivation: is preferred escort of vitamin and mineral supplements to avoid problems.
Despite being able to consume food at will, are foods that tired.
This regime cabbage soup can only be held for 7 days in a row and no more, with a break of 2 weeks between each diet period. If you have health problems, consult your doctor before doing this regime. You have to adopt a style more healthy and balanced lifestyle, in order to hold the line and health.