Diet to lose 10 kilos

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Diet to lose 10 kilos 

This diet will allow you to lose 10 kilos to lose weight quickly. In a few days you will notice the loss of weight and inches. 

Diet to lose 10 kilos 
Diet to lose 10 kilos. The best diets to lose weight 
The diet to lose 10 kilos 

We present this diet to lose 10 kilos quickly and effectively. In a few days will see the loss of weight and inches. It is one of the best diets to lose weight. Your friends and friends will notice it immediately. But maybe you're looking for how to lose weight in a week if you just want to get rid of 3 or 4 kilos. If you want to lose more read !! 

The diet to lose 10 kilos is not for everyone 

Indeed, this diet to lose 10 kilos does not fit all, both men and women. It has some limitations you should know: 

It is for people with more than 10 kilos overweight. If you have little or no overweight not follow this diet. It will be detrimental to your health. On this site you will find other diets to lose weight less drastic. 
It is for people in good general health. If you have any health problem you should consult your doctor before starting a diet to lose 10 kilos like this. 
You can only continue for 7-10 days. Following this diet longer be detrimental to your health. 
Known these limitations and always remembering to follow any diet under the supervision of a specialist, we present the diet to lose 10 kilos. 

The week of the diet to lose 10 kilos 

Many people worldwide undergo plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery in order to look better and get the body you have long desired. But with this diet to lose 10 kilos in a progressive way you can achieve your goal. This is because a treatment for weight loss should be gradual and non-violent to not alter our body. 

It is important as a treatment for weight loss diet lose 10 kilos enabling it not restrictive in its entirety, in order to avoid fatigue and boredom. That's one of the main factors why people often give up a diet to lose weight fast. 

The diet to lose 10 kilos that we present combines different foods especially for diets with which can make different menus to vary during the week. In some cases you can replace some foods with others of equal calories. You can check out our article on the list of the 50 healthiest foods. 

You can follow the diet that you will lose 10 kilos with some weight loss products. And it is highly recommended that physical activity or exercise during the period you want to improve results. 

The diet to lose 10 kilos bases its effectiveness gradually decrease the amount of calories during the period of 7 days. Calories are properly distributed in a percentage that increases the amount of protein and carbohydrate and lipid lowering achieving the desired results. 

Equally distributes the amount of calories in 6 meals throughout the day, which will keep you from starving, so you will not eat out of hours, and if you still get to feel like eating can include a snack that can be a fruit in season. 

You can accompany it with an infusion of red or pennyroyal tea (unsweetened, of course) and utilize their diuretic and slimming properties. 

If after reading diet have questions about the preparation of any of the dishes or how to diet, here are the answers to diet to lose 10 kilos. 

Menu for the week of the diet to lose 10 kilos: 

Breakfast Week 
1 cup of tea with skimmed milk accompanied by fresh seasonal fruit 

Media Week Tomorrow 
1 piece of fresh seasonal fruit, nonfat yogurt 200 ml 


150g skinless chicken along with 100 gr. more pumpkin puree fresh fruit in season. 
200 gr. of baked seasoned steamed vegetables over fresh fruit 

Dietary 200 ml broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons of brown rice and garnish with fresh seasonal fruit 
Dietary 200 ml broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons of brown rice and garnish with fresh seasonal fruit 
200 gr. of dietary portion of noodles with sauce. 1 piece of fresh fruit in season 
Dietary 200 ml broth. A panache of vegetables with 3 tablespoons of brown rice and garnish with fresh seasonal fruit 

200 gr. of baked seasoned steamed vegetables over fresh fruit 

Snack Week 
1 cup of tea with skimmed milk accompanied by fresh seasonal fruit 

day Dinner 

150 gr. of grilled fish or steamed together with seasoned shredded carrots. 
200 gr. noodles seasoned with tomato plus a seasonal fruit. 

1 fresh seasonal fruit and served with lentil salad with raw vegetables dressed with lemon and a teaspoon of oil, salt and pepper to taste 
150 gr. of grilled fish or steamed together with seasoned shredded carrots. 
200 ml of broth diet accompanied by a fruit salad in syrup with a portion of dietary gelatin. 
200 ml of broth diet accompanied by a fruit salad in syrup with a portion of dietary gelatin 

1 unit of spinach omelet (prepared with egg), add tomato salad (3 tomatoes) plus fresh fruit. 

Bedtime Week 
1 cup of tea with skimmed milk 
Many you ask yourselves as we prepare dietary broth. Here is the recipe. It is the famous fat-burning soup. 

Preparation of the fat burning soup. 

Still have doubts? Here you have all the answers to diet to lose weight 10 kilos. What is the panache of vegetables ?, how dietary bechamel prepares ?, how to make milk tea? ... 

Diets to Lose Weight - Diet to lose 10 kilos 

With a little effort, in a week you'll see results in no time and can lose 10 kilos. And if you notice that the diet is too demanding for you can always turn to other weight loss diets as 5 kilos weight loss diet: a diet combined with exercise and with which it is possible to lose 5 kilos in a week . 

And as always I discussed what after losing those kilos, never to recover or continue losing weight healthily you eat? Need maintenance diet.


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