Banana peel can lose weight

Banana peel can lose weight

Of life, many people easily get a banana peel banana to the lost. In fact, bananas eat meat, it also can eat a banana peel. Moreover, as a banana peel also it has a slimming effect. Therefore, friends of obesity do not put a banana peel a good thing to lose. So, a banana peel really lose weight? Why you can lose weight banana peel? Now experts leading to specific understanding.

Banana peel can lose weight? Banana peel is actually edible, eating can help the body break down fat effectively, to achieve weight loss results. Well, now experts to introduce you to a banana peel in detail how it is to lose weight.

Banana peel: The breakdown of fat

Actually edible banana peel, banana peel and green best weight loss effect is rich and positive serum hormone adrenaline, these two substances inhibit the absorption of starch, fat breakdown and promote metabolism.

Slimming Ingredients:

Serum hormone

Serum hormone is commonly used to treat depression drugs essential ingredients, their function is to make the mood relaxed mood melancholy sweep, so that older people often say "romance eat a banana peel" is really saying the truth! The top weight loss, appetite suppressant to control the function of sugar intake, this content is especially banana skin more.

The reason we serum hormone can help you lose weight, is that the hormone serum amylase inhibitor. In short, when the starch in our bodies then pass through function amylase easily in simple sugars absorbed by the body, which is the accumulation of fat in our bodies origin; assume we eat foods containing hormone then inhibitor sugar amylase block the role of amylase in the manufacture of starch can not successfully convert simple sugars, naturally, it can not be absorbed by the body it!


Norepinephrine helps break down fats and the metabolic effects, enormously helpful for weight loss. It is worth noting that the content of norepinephrine green bananas ripe bananas have to be much, but better than the Party of the flesh from the skin, but the skin is not part used is usually discarded, so now experts are developing actively from green banana skin extracted from the available ingredients, made diet food, can increase economic value of bananas, AirPlus again be thin family, he said it really is a lot of advantages too!

In addition, due to the high temperatures of the two components it is easy to destroy the inside of the hormone green bananas serum and norepinephrine, etc., so if you want to take advantage of green bananas to implement the plan of weight loss, you can to recall to buy green bananas stored in a low-temperature, so slimming effect not only view, but also because bananas crazy and fly in a circle!

DIY recipes for weight loss: green juice banana peel

Spoon the inside of a banana peel green scrape, scrape the flesh into a blender, add 250 ml of water whipped into a juice, such as drinking water, he drank 100 ml can.

Viewed this way, the use of banana peel to lose weight is a significant effect, so my friends want to lose weight worth a try. Eat a banana peel to lose weight, but not to direct you to eat a banana peel, this is certainly no one can withstand. We recommend that you can put a banana peel in treating something edible banana peel, drink really appear magic slimming effect.


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