4 ways to lose 5 kilos in one week without pills

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4 ways to lose 5 kilos in one week without pills 

A large weight loss is usually possible only for people who are overweight. If you want to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time, follow these steps. But remember that any weight loss program requires a change in lifestyle and health habits to be taken long term. 

Method 1 of 4: Paperwork 

  Do your calculations. When you look a goal, it is important to know what to do to achieve that goal. Before you start counting calories, you should know exactly how much you should eat to lose 10 pounds in 1 week. 
1/2 kg (1 lb) is 3,500 calories. You have 7 days to lose 10 times that amount of calories (5 kg). 
3,500 x 10 = 35,000 calories to lose 
35,000 / 7 = 5,000 losses per day 
2,000 calories per day - 5,000 = -3,000 calories per day 
As you can see, a diet of 3,000 calories a day is ridiculous. However, a strict diet, exercise and weight loss of initial water (depending on your size - the bigger the easier it will be) can get closer to this goal. Something else you should know is that your weight fluctuates about 1 kg (2 lb) per day, adding a margin of error. 
Luckily, not only control calories diet: exercise does too. This rapid and intense diet both are necessary. 

  Keep a journal. Write down what you eat will keep you aware of what you should put in your body. Keep a journal and write down everything you eat and take that week. 
Looking trust. Show him your journal at the end of each day to a friend, family member or a coach. Knowing that you have to face the judgment of another person can give you the motivation that you yourself (or) do not have. If they want, have kept a diary of your diet too. 
Not just reduce what you eat. You also have to exercise a lot. That way you'll see your combined efforts and will lose weight. 

Share with others. Sometimes it's hard to be strict with ourselves when we are going through something alone. After all, Could it be the end of the world if you eat that chocolate bar? No. Find a friend and let me help you with your goal. 
Make all social activity is active. Make your family and friends cook instead of going out. If your community supports you and shows you temptations, success will be much easier to get. 

Method 2 April: Renewing your diet 

Do not eat processed food. The low energy density diets help people reduce their calorie intake while maintaining satiety and control hunger [1]. This means you should eat vegetables, avoiding the chips and French. With vegetables you will feel satiated. 
The energy density is the amount of energy or calories in a given weight of food. Foods with a lower energy density provide fewer calories per gram than foods with high energy density. For the same amount of calories a person can consume a larger portion of a low energy density food in a food high in energy density [1]. 
Basically, foods like fruits and vegetables fill us faster without the calories. Proteins and carbohydrates are 4 calories per gram, fat has 9. The fiber is between 1.5 and 2.5 and of course, water is 0. 
To maintain a low energy diet, fill up on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products and lean meats (foods that are high in water and fiber) and avoid processed products. 
The easiest way to avoid is to avoid processed foods and fast food restaurants. If you do, you'll know exactly what is going into your body. 

Eating 5 times daily. In addition to three small meals, eat some snacks (healthy). Meals should be small, but will make you feel fuller. 
Eating more often increases our thermal effect of food or TEF (for its acronym in English). Studies have shown that more TEF increases metabolism, reduces hunger and leads to weight loss [2]. 
Because you are eating more often, your meals should be in small portions. You're not eating more, you're better off just handing out food during the day. 
Snacks should be healthy and a healthy portion size. Eat fruits, nuts or low-fat yogurt. If portions and time are an issue previously measure your snacks and put them in resealable bags. This way you will not eat more and I can go eat my way to work. 

Learn to control your portions. According to the standards, an adult must eat 90 g (3 oz) of protein, 87.5 g (1/2 cup) of starch and 175 g (1 cup) of vegetables per meal. Eating more food than your body needs will only make you gain weight, however, you must understand that eating less than your body needs will also cause you to gain (or stalled weight). 
You have to eat to keep your body weight and keep your pond. Use visual cues to measure your portions, for example: 1 pepper is a vegetable serving size of a baseball. An apple is 1 serving size of a tennis ball. A serving of pasta is about the size of a hockey puck. A serving of cheese is the equivalent of four dice games. A serving of chicken is the size of a deck of cards. [3]. 

It takes at least 8 glasses of water daily. Drink a glass before bed and another to get up and drink a glass (or two) before each meal. Cleanse the body of daily toxins is one of the best ways to lose weight. It's great to drink liquid to feel full before you even start eating. 
Bring a bottle of water every day and make it a habit to take it more often. The more you make, the more you want and you will feel better. A hydrated body has more energy. 
The Institute of Medicine recommends that men and women try to consume about 3.7 and 2.7 liters of water per day respectively, including water found in food and drinks [4] 

Method 3 of 4: Work out 

Do cardio. Exercise should be a regular activity into your day even after the week ends if you want to continue to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Exercise also builds your energy and increase your metabolism, and both help your weight loss be more successful. Since methods of exercise for weight loss are subjective and depend on your health, consult your doctor to discuss the best workout for your personal needs. 
The more fat than cardio strength training burns, but both are necessary to lose weight. If running is not your thing, choose an easier as swimming or elliptical machine activity. 
Look interval training high intensity (HIIT for its acronym in English). The National Institute of Health in the US (National Institute of Health) said that HIIT "involves repeated exercise at a high intensity for 30 seconds or more, separated by 1-5 ​​minutes of recovery (either no or low intensity exercise)." It also says that "... these benefits, especially weight loss is increasing with HIIT." [5] So the next time you step on the elliptical, take a couple of minutes of recovery and will end in 15 minutes . 
Many activities count as a cardio workout that you can not know. Here are the calories burned in 30 minutes of each: [6]: 
Dancing aeróbico- 342 
Boxing - 330 
Skip the rope 286 
Tennis - 232 
Basketball - 282 
Swimming (Freestyle) - 248 

Started weight training. Those who do cardio and then weight, burn fat and build muscle. [7]. If you're new to weight training, consult a trainer at your gym. 
No time for the gym, no problem! Invest in some hand weights or dumbbells for your home. You can make a workout anywhere without paying a monthly fee. 

Do yoga. Let's be honest: 10 pounds in a week is a great goal. You need to burn as many calories as possible. Why do some yoga while your favorite show is on TV? 
Yoga burns 3-6 calories per minute [8]. After an hour watching television, you've burned 180 to 360 calories. 
Yoga is not the most intense workout. However, it has been shown to lead to eat better (which do other training) which, in turn, leads to a greater weight loss [8]. 

Keep moving. So you've been to the gym 5 times already this week and you're tired of Yoga What can you do? 
Go to work by bicycle. Use the stairs and not the elevator. Taking all small opportunities you can to burn those calories and exercising. 
Make chores you've been putting off. You will be surprised how washing the car, gardening and ordering furniture can make you sweat unintentionally. 

Method 4 4: Some alternative methods 

Do research on fad diets. They are called fashion for a reason, but if you're looking for a challenge ... interesting ... choose the one that appeals to you: 
Juices. This diet is to drink fluids 24/7. You can buy different juices in the store, but making juice from fruits and vegetables is much cheaper. 
The Master Cleanse Diet (Master cleansing diet). You just make an elixir of 30 g (2 tbsp) freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tbsp organic maple syrup grade B, 0.5 g (1/10) of cayenne pepper and 285 g (10 oz) of water filtered. That's all. 
The Sleeping Beauty diet. On the upside, you'll never eat a solitary, but all I can do is sleep for days. 
The diet of maple syrup. Like the Master Cleanse, is a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water. Again, this is all that is allowed. 
Fad diets are unhealthy. No way to do them without regaining weight (and then some). If you want to lose weight permanently, fad diets are not the way to do it. In fact, they are harmful to your health. 

Visit the sauna. A trip to the steam room will help remove water weight you have extra. You will not lose fat, but you can lose inches. 
It's important to stay hydrated and do not visit the sauna too often. A visit to 15-20 minutes once a day is enough. When you leave, take a glass of water. 
The saunas are not safe for children. It is best to leave them at home (under supervision of course). 

Consider the body wraps. Most spas today offer a lot of bands that promise to tone your skin and will help you lose weight. Check out what your local spa has to offer and give it a chance. 
The most common types are the mineralization, detoxification, slimming and eliminating cellulite. Each uses slightly different medicinal herbs; choose the one that best suits your needs. 
Treatment is mostly relaxing and soothing. No research has shown that wrap really takes or removes toxins from your body [9]. 

Focus on your goal every time you need motivation. You can lose weight, but may take longer than one week. If so, do not let that put you off. Every body is different, so pay attention to your needs and do what your body will help you lose weight quickly but safely. 
Consult your doctor before introducing drastic changes to your lifestyle, especially when it comes to your diet. Your doctor can help you determine the safest weight loss program to suit your needs. 
Walk your dog, it's nice and fun!


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