Diet of the Moon

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as: ,

Diet of the Moon: November 2014 

The diet of the moon you can lose up to 3 kilos a day without starving. Prepare to lose weight during November 2014 and points on your calendar the following. 

6 at 23:22 until 8 at 01:22. 

Waning moon: 
From 14 to 16:17 to 15 at 18:17. 
Diet of the Moon: November 2014 

New Moon: 
From 22 to 13:32 to 23 at 14:32. 

Crescent Moon: 
From 29 to 11:07 to 30 at 13:07. 

Remember that the diet of the moon consists of liquid fast for 26 continuous hours during the new moon and full moon. During the waxing and waning moon can include some solids.


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