Week of fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean Diet
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment held from 13 to 18 October, the "Week of fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean diet" in order to disclose the characteristics and properties of these foods that make up the Mediterranean diet as well and to publicize the benefits of this dietary pattern among the population.
The director general of the Food Industry Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Fernando Burgaz, said yesterday the department's commitment to developing a "clear strategy" of information and promotion of the Mediterranean Diet and fruits and vegetables make this food, "both the final consumer, and the children and young people and those responsible for buying food" model.
Mediterranean Diet 01 This commitment is reflected in the organization of the "Week of fruits and vegetables in the Mediterranean Diet" presented Monday at the headquarters of the Ministry and will include various promotional events to be held in Madrid, Barcelona, Ciudad Real , Cordoba and Pamplona.
This is different actions outreach, information and awareness, he noted Burgaz, "which are oriented media, restoration and consumer campaign designed to raise awareness and spread the wealth of the great heritage which is the Mediterranean Diet ".
In this framework, the CEO had an impact on special emphasis placed on fruits and vegetables, to promote domestic consumption, "as part of the package of measures that has launched the Department to support the agriculture sector", to the restrictions from the Russian veto on imports of food products in the European Union.
Mediterranean Diet 03 Burgaz recalled that the characteristic products of the Mediterranean Diet match the most emblematic Spanish productions, and so in relation to fruit and vegetables, explained that in 2013 the national average per capita consumption of fresh fruit was 102.97 kg / person, with the Basque Country Autonomous Community with the highest consumption (133.57 kg / person) and Canarias the lowest (85.11 kg / person).
As for fresh vegetables noted that consumption per person last year stood at 64.39 kg / person, highlighting Aragon as the Autonomous Community with the highest consumption (82.43 kg / person) and the lowest Extremadura (48, 14 kg / person).
Mediterranean Diet 05El CEO concluded by recalling that this week coincides with the development of the "Mediterranè masters" which promotes a balanced diet and incorporating children and young people to the kitchen.
"This initiative has led to the organization of a total of 800 workshops in many schools, targeting 40,000 students, who are taught to identify and combine foods of the Mediterranean diet and its benefits and nutrients it provides "concluded Burgaz.
Mediterranean Diet Week 2014 04Se conducted tastings of various fruits and vegetables in several hypermarkets and supermarkets in Madrid, Oviedo, Tenerife, Badajoz and Lugo, on days 16, 17 and 18 October. In addition, information brochures will be delivered to consumers.
Throughout the week information and promotional campaign actions will take place in websites and blogs gastronomic restaurants through dynamic banners. Also, the restaurants participating in the campaign will offer diners information and promotional material of the Week.
Mediterranean Diet Week 03The October 14th 2014, the students of Colegio El Torreón visit the Guadarrama River Nursery School in Navalcarnero (Madrid), where the Mediterranean Diet Foundation will give them a talk about fruit and vegetables. The visit will conclude with a lunch consisting of products that are part of the Mediterranean Diet.
For Thursday, October 16, has organized a visit to the fair aimed at purchasing managers hypermarkets, supermarkets, markets and consumer associations. There were present the "Week of fruit and vegetables in the Mediterranean Diet" and will be informed about different techniques marketing of fruit and vegetables. At the end will be offered a guided tasting products that are part of the Mediterranean Diet.
Mediterranean Diet Week 2014 Saturday, October 18 05El tasting cooked with products of the Mediterranean Diet in the Plaza Mayor of Madrid, which also may participate in recreational activities related to the Mediterranean diet for young and old dishes are done. An influx of more than 1,000 people are expected.