Fasting and calorie diet

Fasting and calorie diet

Nutritionists warn that the therapeutic fasting is interesting, if that question is to eliminate toxic waste, but relatively ineffective as a way to lose the extra kilos, because these apparent losses early in the process to dispense with food should be in largely to the decline in our water, from deposits of glycogen and protein.

Mariá Alemany, Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Barcelona (Spain), in his "Encyclopedia of diets and nutrition", invites to be cautious with such drastic procedures because "as it becomes the habit of eating without the precautions weight recovered very quickly. "

Fasting is the oldest method of purification. As the process continues, the body takes to get rid of toxic substances and superfluous fats. Homeopaths and practitioners of alternative medicine argue that detoxification through fasting power our mental faculties, improving concentration and memory.

The plan that we propose has a first radical phase. It is fasting for 16-72 hours at most, during which you can only drink plenty of water or tea sweetened with aspartame slightly. At this stage, the momentary lack of glucose and nutrients coming from the intestine is covered at the expense preferably liver glycogen, which provides glucose to the blood over a given period of time. As the glycogen is used almost entirely the body uses protein for the manufacture of the glucose needed for brain function.

It is at this time the agency has refined toxins when we start a low calorie diet balanced eight days, according to the program Dr. Pilar Riobóo, nutritionist and well known in the Spanish media.

The calorie diet

A maximum of 1,500 calories is to limit protein and carbohydrates to a slightly higher very small quantities and when it comes to vegetables. Despite Riobóo recommended raw food before cooking and consuming tropical fruits that are not, in syrup or jam.

Two lunch menus type of this diet would :.

- 30 grams of white rice with 50 grams of tomato sauce and a boiled egg; 300 grams of salad; 30 grams of bread and a piece of fruit.

- 50 grams of beans with 50 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of chicken baked with 150 grams of carrots, 20 grams of bread and a piece of fruit.

Two types of this diet would dinners.

- 300 grams of cooked vegetables, 100 grams of baked fish with 100 grams of steamed potatoes, 30 grams of bread and a piece of fruit.

- A cup of soup pasta, 100 grams of grilled fish with asparagus 300 grams, 30 grams of bread and a piece of fruit.

Breakfast and lunch should include a cup of skim milk with or without coffee, a piece of fruit and a small slice of toast.

By midmorning they can take 40 grams of bread with a slice of lean ham.

Before going to bed you have to drink another cup of skim milk.

What to avoid: You can not drink alcohol or sugar. Nor they are allowed fried foods, nuts and industrial sauces. Garnish foods with quality oils and spices. Avoid heavily laden coffee or tea and eat slowly, chewing well.


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