Indispensable medical consultation before weight loss

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Indispensable medical consultation before weight loss

The Ministry of Health in Baja California Sur, through the Coordination Strategy Against Overweight, Obesity and Diabetes recommends that before undergoing a change of habit, both in food and physical activity, people receive care a specialist in health, this in order to avoid complications and discard any disease, especially if you have been sedentary.

To combat obesity and overweight simply start with 30 minutes of daily walking, however, Lerma Ana Lorena Perez, Bachelor of Nutrition, recommended that people who start a new lifestyle given medical advice not to put your health at risk .

He said that to lose weight in an orderly fashion, they should take five meal times; Breakfast, lunch and dinner, with two small snacks, one at noon and one in the afternoon, before dinner "to maintain active metabolism," plus a minimum of two liters per day hydration.

Lerma Perez said that there is no exact number of how many calories you should consume per person, "because it depends on the person, their weight, body mass index, your recommended weight and ideal weight", however, should be consumed, on average, between 500 and 2000 thousand calories a day, and a thousand less than 200 calories diet it is not recommended.

 Due to the above is the need for people who want to lose weight come with a nutritionist, who can make a meal plan and exercise routine that guarantees weight loss without compromising health.

Also, the expert in healthcare stressed that people with diabetes or hypertension should follow specific recommendations this glucose levels, the type of exercise and diet, considering that each person is different and what for some is favorable to lose weight, for others it is not.


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