How to lose weight in a week: The apple diet

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How to lose weight in a week: The apple diet

It says a lot of quick diets, that if you bounce, or are not ideal; But, one thing is undeniable, when you need to lose weight fast, there is nothing more effective. I share what the apple diet and how you can follow. During the period to do this diet is important NOT to exercise and drink plenty of water.

The first day of the apple diet can only eat apples all day. Do not forget that every day must take one to two liters of water.
Note: The rigorous diet says you can only eat apples and water, but if you starve, can eat salad, panela cheese or cotagge, turkey or ham.

Second day
Breakfast: apples
Lunch: green salad without dressing (only vinegar, lemon and salt)

Dinner: apples

Third day
Breakfast: a bread, an apple and a slice of turkey ham
Lunch: Green salad with carrot and celery
Dinner: apples
facilCómo diet to lose weight in a week: The Diet

Fourth day
Breakfast: a bread, an apple and a slice of turkey ham
Lunch: salad of steamed vegetables (no potatoes) and natural tuna
Dinner: rice cereal with milk light
manzanaCómo lose weight lose weight in a week: The Diet

Fifth day
Breakfast: a bread, an apple and a boiled egg
Food: Roasted meat and green salad
Dinner: apples
manzanaCómo regimen of weight loss in a week: The Diet

After 5 days, follow a healthy and balanced diet to not recover the kilos you lost; but remember, the apple diet should not exceed 5 days.


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