What you should know before starting a weight loss plan
The measures that have
Know your body mass index (BMI)
During the last twenty years, Americans have become familiar with specific measures related to health, such as cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings (blood). As regards health risks related to weight, there are three important numbers that you should know. The first is your current weight in pounds, the second is your body mass index, BMI (BMI by its initials in English), and the third is the diameter of your waist.
Your BMI is derived from your height and weight. Doctors consider BMI is a better measure of risk that your health is your current weight in pounds. In fact, doctors "overweight" and "obesity" terms are based on BMI values. A BMI between 25 and 30 is defined as overweight, and a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese. The higher your BMI, the greater your risk of weight-related diseases such as type 2 diabetes or heart disease.
What is your BMI? Are you overweight or obese?
You can determine this using the BMI calculator. The same BMI is applicable to both men and women.
What is your waist circumference?
Body fat accumulates in the stomach area (known as "abdominal obesity") is a greater risk that body fat accumulates in the area of the buttocks and thighs health. For this reason, your waistline provides valuable information regarding the risk you have of developing heart disease, high blood pressure (blood), high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes Doctors consider a measure circumference the waist is too high if it exceeds 40 inches (101.6 cm) in men or 35 inches (88.9 cm) in women.
Ask your doctor how to control your weight
Talk to your doctor about healthy eating and physical activities that can help you lose weight, improve your fitness and reduce your chance of having a heart attack, high blood pressure or diabetes type 2. Make sure you set goals You can keep. Small changes can be significant differences in their health. Your doctor can offer practical suggestions that do not require dramatic adjustments to your current lifestyle. In some cases, your doctor may refer you to a nutritionist, as a nutritionist (dietitian) licensed to advise you further on food choices. You can start the conversation by asking a few questions that have previously thought. For example:
Ask your doctor if you have any educational brochure on topics such as eating habits, how to count calories or physical activities.
Ask them to calculate their BMI and ask your doctor how the value obtained with respect to their health concerns.
Have them take the measure of waist circumference, and talk about the importance of this result with your doctor.
Be prepared to describe your current diet and physical activity, and what changes could be made to promote better health.
Think how much you are willing to change before going to see the doctor.
Ask if your health plan has specialists available at the place where you live; eg specialists in nutrition and dietetics (nutritionist) or physical trainers.
What is metabolic syndrome?
A high measure of waist circumference may be a sign of a condition called metabolic syndrome. Although most people have never heard this name, the metabolic syndrome is very common; it affects one in four adults in the US. UU. The metabolic syndrome often progresses to type 2 diabetes and treating it can help prevent this form of diabetes.
A person has metabolic syndrome if you have at least three (3) of the five (5) conditions listed in the table below. If you think you may have metabolic syndrome, it is important to talk about this with your doctor, in order that it may undergo the appropriate diagnostic tests. Treatments for Metabolic Syndrome involve basic changes in lifestyle, such as losing weight, eating a healthier diet and increasing your activity level. Your doctor can help you develop a specific plan to make the necessary changes.
More information about metabolic syndrome
Condition Treatment: changes in lifestyle Practical Suggestions
Abdominal obesity determined by the circumference of the waist Weight Loss Reduce 250 calories a day *; lost 1/2 pound a week; your goal is to reduce 20 pounds a year
Man. greater than 40 inches (101.6 cm) Increased physical activity 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week
Women: greater than 35 inches (88.9 cm)
Blood pressure (blood) high Weight loss, decreased salt intake Note goal to lose 20 pounds every year.
130/85 mm Hg or greater More fruits and vegetables Remove the salt shaker from the table, do not use salt in cooking.
Dairy products low in fat Eat at least 5 servings a day.
Take three glasses of skim milk, yogurt or low fat cheese a day.
HDL (good) cholesterol low Stop smoking. Note goal to lose 20 pounds a year.
Man: less than 40 mg / dL Lose weight Do 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days a week.
Women: less than 50 mg / dL Increased physical activity Replace cookies, candies and cakes for unsalted almonds, walnuts and peanuts
Decrease carbohydrate intake, eat more monounsaturated fats.
High triglycerides: Lose weight. Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. Note goal to lose 20 pounds a year.
150 mg / dL or more Reduce simple sugars. Replace carbonated soft drinks for carbonated juice, water, diet sodas.
Limit the use of alcohol. Limit alcohol to 2 drinks a day in men and one alcoholic drink a day in women.
Eat fish twice a week.
Elevated glucose level fasting: Weight loss. Note goal to lose 20 pounds a year *.
110 mg / dL or more Increase your intake of soluble fiber. Replace white bread with whole grain bread, whole grains and whole grain.
* (For example, replace two 12-ounce cans of carbonated soft drink sweetened with sugar-sweetened beverage unsustituto sugar may decrease more than 350 calories a day.
How to get active
It has been shown that regular physical activity prevents heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other chronic conditions osteopososis. Physical activity is important for maintaining good health in both adults and children, regardless of weight or does not constitute a problem. As clearly shown in the following suggestions, changes in lifestyle does not have to be drastic. Simple measures applied every day can make big differences over time. Here are a few examples:
Add you ten minutes daily to whatever type of physical activity you do today, or increase the intensity of mild to moderate. (See the chart below to get an idea of different levels of intensity of activities.)
Limit the time you spend on the Web, watching television and playing video games less than two hours daily.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator (lift).
Park your car at the far end of the parking lot and walk to reach your destination, rather than parking as close as possible. You can also get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way.
Do more household chores like dusting, vacuuming or pulling weeds in the garden.
Walk or jog with the dog or the kids
Use an exercise machine such as a treadmill or a stationary bike while watching TV.
Take "active" vacations; go hiking or bike
Walk to do your errands (eg to go to the supermarket or the post office) instead of driving.
Buy a pedometer (step counter reloh) which measures how many steps you walk each day. Gradually increase the number of daily steps. Pedometers can be purchased at sporting goods stores.
Do not feel embarrassed about exercising!
How active are you?
Physical activity moderate physical activity High Very high physical activity
Walk a mile in 15-20 min (3-4 mph). Walking or jogging 12 minutes per mile. Jogging to <10 minutes per mile
Walking in water Swimming pool full turns (light effort) Swimming pool full turns (vigorous effort)
Cycling 10 miles per hour Bicycling 12 miles per hour Bicycling> 14 miles per hour.
Dancing or tai chi. High-impact aerobics Doing aerobics lifting his feet (6-8 platforms)
Work on the lawn or in the garden mowing with a push mower Dig a hole
Go hiking Playing tennis Playing two tennis team one team
Move furniture vacuuming Playing basketball or soccer
Actively play with the kids Lifting weights Inline skating
Adapted with permission from Blair SN, Dunn AL, Marcus BH, et al. Active living every day: 20 Weeks to lifelong vitality (live active every day: 20 weeks to bring a vitality for life). Champaign, Ill .: Human Kinetics; 2001.
Conditions and medications that can prevent weight loss
In some people, overweight or obesity may be related to a medical condition, or medication they are taking, which interferes with their efforts to lose weight. If you have, or think you may have any of the conditions listed, or if you are taking any of the medications listed, speak with your doctor about the measures they should take to manage your weight. In some cases, specific treatment for your medical condition, or a change in medication, you can make a difference in your efforts to manage your weight.
Some medical conditions that hinder weight loss
Condition Category
Hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders
Polycystic ovarian disease
Cushing syndrome
Cardiovascular Congestive heart failure
Idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Abnormalities of the heart valves
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Resistance syndrome upper respiratory
Eating disorders Bulimia
Carbohydrate cravings syndrome
Medications that can cause weight gain
Condition Medication
Antihistamines Allergies
Blood pressure (blood) elevated alpha blockers
Beta blockers
Contraceptives Progestins
Tricyclic antidepressants depression
Diabetes Insulin
Epilepsy Valproate
Manic-depressive illness Lithium
Schizophrenia neuroleptics
Are diets and supplements can help you lose weight?
Although diet drugs may help you lose weight at first, usually, they do not help you maintain your new weight and may have harmful side effects. Most slimming tablets have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration of the USA. UU. (FDA), which means you can not be sure whether these drugs are not harmful. Taking medicine also helps you learn how to change their habits with respect to food and exercise. Making lasting changes in these habits is the way to lose weight and maintain your new weight.
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» What you should know before starting a weight loss plan
What you should know before starting a weight loss plan
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