3 small changes for a big weight loss!

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as:

3 small changes for a big weight loss! 

Let's face it, many people fail to lose weight when, by the mere fact consider drastic changes and stick to strict diets. 

The perfect recipe for disappointment, especially if they think that the more radical the change, so will the result. 

Need only recall, 10 kilos of overweight overnight earn. It is a set of bad habits that have been piling up the kilos together, gradually and progressively. So it is impossible to believe that what took so long to win, lost in the blink of an eye. 

Hence, these three small changes to a large weight loss, made ​​especially for those who can not give up your favorite foods or are not 100% willing to become physically active, seeking to offset the calories. 

Think before you drink! A can of soda (soda) contains 140 calories and 39 grams of carbohydrates. So with just one daily throughout the year, we are adding more than 51,000 calories, equivalent to almost 7 kilos. 
It is much better to opt for coffee or tea, will be a big savings and much more, if we eat without sugar or cream. 

And as always, the best advice, consume water to rehydrate whenever we need it. 

Forgetting Sadwich variation forever mayonnaise or their equivalents, when eating a sandwich. A spoonful of it equals 100 calories and 10 grams of fat, so worth a try. 
Of course, we could make a first transition to the light version, which has half the fat and calories, to dismiss it entirely. A good choice, mustard, has only 10 to 20 calories per tablespoon. 

Small steps to losing weight is not necessary to get up every day at 5 am to get to the gym. For while for some it will not always be the same for us. 
It would be good to start with small daily activities, take the stairs instead of the elevator, take a walk after lunch, walk on the site while watching TV, playing with our children or nephews, walking the dog, etc.A whole universe of varieties!


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