800 calorie diet plan

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as: , ,

  800 calorie diet plan

The 800 calorie diet is a type of hypo caloric diet very strict and only includes the consumption of 800 calories a day to lose weight and this is a fairly small amount compared to about 2000 calories you consume the majority of the population daily 

This diet is a basic example of meals that can be made in carrying out a diet with a consumption of 800 calorías.Podemos see a design diet of 800 calories of up to 4 days and the aim is that, based on this example each person can make their own diet plan food combining diet and prolonging the time it takes. 

Both on this diet, as in many others, it is essential to use a minimum of two liters of water daily as it not only helps eliminate toxins and excess fat but also helps satisfy hunger when this occurs. 

Furthermore, it is recommended to combine a diet with physical exercise to the diet results are much more noticeable and also helps to improve the quality of life. 

Finally, it is recommended that this diet under the consent and monitoring of a specialist to ensure that it can not harm the health of the person doing the diet. 


Day 1: 
for breakfast 

A cup of tea or coffee (without sugar and milk) 
2 cookies water 
For lunch at midmorning 

1 skimmed yogurt 

1 white fish fillet 
1 green salad 
1 apple or orange 
Spot afternoon 

1 Coffee with skim milk or 1 tea 
2 cookies water 

One dietary gelatin 

1 cup defatted broth (preferably home to avoid fat and salt) 
Quarter of boiled chicken 
1 pear 
Day 2: 
for breakfast 

1 glass of grapefruit juice 

For lunch at midmorning 

1 cup of tea 
2 cookies bran 

1 cup defatted broth 
1 egg 
1 small piece of boiled fish 
1 whole boiled potato 
1 pear 

Spot afternoon 

1 cup of tea or coffee without sugar and milk 


Coffee with skim milk 
2 cookies soy 

1 green salad 
1 churrasco 
1 tomato 
1 small apple 
1 small peach 
Day 3: 
for breakfast 

1 glass of grapefruit juice 

For lunch at midmorning 

1 cup unsweetened tea 
2 cookies bran 

1 cup defatted broth (preferably homemade) 
2 tablespoons noodles 
1 churrasco 
1 tomato 
1 orange 
Spot afternoon 

One dietary gelatin 

1 coffee with skim milk 

1 serving of boiled spinach 
1 boiled chicken breast 
1 portion of lettuce 
1 glass of grapefruit juice 

Day 4: 
for breakfast 

1 coffee with skim milk 
For lunch at midmorning 

1 cup of tea without sugar and milk 
2 cookies water 


1 churrasco 
1 tomato 
1 tangerine 
Spot afternoon 

1 cup of tea without milk or sugar 
2 cookies bran 

1 low-fat yogurt 


1 green salad 
1 egg 
1 whole boiled potato 
1 block 
1 tangerine


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