Diet To Lose 5 Kilos In A Week

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Diet To Lose 5 Kilos In A Week 

There are many diets to lose weight fast in 1 week as the effective, healthy and delicious Banana Diet. 
The Banana Diet is presented as a perfect alternative to lose weight in a healthy, tasty and balanced manner. 
A diet really simple to make and very effective when results are concerned. 
Diets to lose weight fast 1 semanaTodas fruits are very beneficial to the body, but we can say that the banana is the king of fruits, a food used to reduce anxiety and calm nerves. 
In addition, the banana is a rich source of minerals, vitamins and nutrients, fruit with low calories and very filling. 
So it helps reduce weight by helping to eating less food. 
Furthermore, note that the banana contains a high amount of potassium, essential for the proper functioning of the body. 
Make particular mention is key that the Banana Diet should not be extended in time. 
Since on this diet will be a significant lack of nutrients to the body such as fat, so are diets to lose weight fast in 1 week that should not extend more than 7 days. 
This complete and healthy fruit can be turned into a perfect partner for you to accomplish successfully lose weight. 
Diets To Lose Weight Fast In 1 Week: 
There are plenty of diets to lose weight fast in 1 week, but none as effective as the diets in which the banana is the main protagonist. 
The Banana Diet has very few calories, so that under no circumstances should it extend more than 7 days and you could put your health at risk. 
This diet helps you lose up to 3 kilos per week, especially if the diet is combined with the practice of sport, so it comes as quite a fast diet. 
Although the basis of this diet food is bananas, it should be noted that there are plenty of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. 
Breakfast: 1 banana + 1 cup skim or 1 coffee with skim milk or tea. Sweetened with saccharin (never sugar) + 1 slice of bread 
Lunch: 1 vegetable soup + 2 bananas + 150 gr. Burgos cheese or 1 cup of skim milk. 
Dinner: Baked Banana (unlimited) or mixed with milk + chamomile tea or a banana. 
Importantly, before starting any diet to lose weight fast in 1 week. 
Diets to lose weight fast 1 semanaEs advisable prior consultation with the doctor to make sure there is no problem in doing this diet and will not lead to your health problems. 
If you want diets to lose weight fast in 1 week that are healthy I invite you to read the book of John Barban VENUS SYSTEM. 
Lose weight the healthy way without sacrificing the foods that you love. 
You will get various sizes decrease in the month with homemade diets to lose weight fast in a week. You'll look healthy and naturally beautiful.


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