Keys to remove fat annoying this summer

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Keys to remove fat annoying this summer 

The accumulation of fat in our tissues over the recommended, may be hazardous to health and is also an unaesthetic effect. Sleep well and maintain a healthy diet promotes better digestion. 

Fat is definitely the number 1 enemy of Chileans, whose rates of overweight and obesity now exceed 64% of the population. "This should not be looked at from a purely aesthetic standpoint, as the fat we see, for example, in the abdomen, increases the risk of diseases such as diabetes, high cholesterol and hypertension events like heart attacks and cardiovascular events ". 

As stated in the doctor Yaisy Picrin, Master in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Chile and specialist in Anti-aging therapies, who provided some tips to make the holidays and reduce unwanted fat. These optimize digestion, eat properly, exercise and ... sleep well. 

The expert, who has just completed a major study that validates the effectiveness of the food supplement Slimming V Plano, natural and specific to combat abdominal fat product, said fat cells now act almost as an autonomous endocrine system against which "must fight with various tools. "One of them may be some dietary supplements. 

Good sleep is another pro tool. The doctor Picrin in this state said hormones such as melatonin that move fat deposits and allow it starts to occupy released. "If we sleep well, we'll dawn with a gramitos less, so I recommend that if you are going to stay up late just to recover the necessary hours sleeping until later." 

Liporeducción without surgery 

In terms of digestion, recommends eating plenty of fiber in the morning, accompanied with grapefruit juice, orange or lemonade without sugar, lactose-free yogurt and opt for products with probiotics generation. 

Also in the food plant 70%, followed by white protein like chicken and fish, leaving less consumption to join for dinner. 

Advise also reducing alcohol and carbohydrates, says a good trick is to salad dressings with canola oil, and if possible drink 2 liters of water daily without minerals. 

As for exercise asserts that "we must use the summer to walk barefoot, hopefully on the sand, and there is a better pumping blood and lymph vessels, which stimulates the metabolism of the organs, weight control and digestion" . 

Do 50 crunches fasting and as many squats also help people who are already on vacation and those who are ready to come out later. For the latter, according overweight having and associated problems (deposits of fat or fat located in various parts of the body, cellulite or sagging) recommends one liporeducción aesthetic medicine without surgery. 

"This is very effective and has short-term results, combining therapies such as UltraShape, Criosculping and mesotherapy, depending on the individual patient and the type of fat that has, as determined medically." 

New and efficient tool 

About V-Plano, Dr. Yaisy Picrin said his clinic conducted a study with 50 patients for 3 months and biochemical profiles showed that these patients had low weight. "It was noted that this product will control a number of complications and morbidities that cause overweight and obesity through excess body fat." 

Finally, Picrin She concluded that obesity requires care and treatment throughout the year and need to add different therapies with medical supervision to achieve the best possible outcome. "Nonetheless, a healthy lifestyle, exercise and concerned with food and good sleep is a great support in the crusade to fight against this growing disease in Chile."


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