Pierre Dukan, "With my gentle method you can lose 10 kilos in three months"
Pierre Dukan, the French doctor Dukan Diet creator (thinning method based on a high protein diet shock) has launched 'Soft Dukan method' (RBA), a system which, he explains, is designed for those whose inferor overweight is 15 kilos and want to lose weight at your own pace without having to give a glass of wine or piece of chocolate.
'Soft Dukan method: nutritional steps to learn how to lose weight evenly and not getting fat' is the latest release of French doctor Pierre Dukan, who during the presentation of its publication in Spain did not hesitate to defend himself from criticism by some nutritionists Spaniards to their method. During his interview, we got to know the keys to what he considers a "second front in the war against obesity to which I have dedicated my life."
Question (MH): The word 'soft' included in his new book 'The soft Dukan method' ... responds to an interest in silencing the voices trying to argue about your diet?
Pierre Dukan (PD): No, has not been done to avoid controversy, but because just as there are many motivated people who need to combat overweight there are others who are not. I created Gentle Dukan method as a solution for those who want to lose weight more calm and also have less to lose kilos not want to sacrifice your social life. But this method does not invalidate the soft phased approach, explained in 'can not get slim'. They are two different fighting the same enemy fronts, overweight.
MH: How should we prepare mentalizing or mind to start this method?
PS: The emotion and affection have an important role in weight gain. Many people use food to compensate for their dissatisfaction or as a substitute for other things that can not perform. And calm down with food, are calmer and live well, but that makes them fat. And when they want to stop, lose weight and get back to normal, it costs a lot. To address the gentle method to do less effort because it is an easier method. More playful. Every day there is a new layer of food is added to the previous layer. It is assumed that every day you have a reward. And that until you get to Sunday lunch party. This weekly cycle is much more flexible and playful.
MH: Who would advise you to follow this gentle method?
PS: For people who do not want a performance at any cost, but rather than lose weight long term and balanced manner. Is appropriate if the overweight is less than 15 kilos, if that person no health problems are urging him to recommend and prefer to lose weight fast lose weight at your own pace. Allowing gentle method is to learn to internalize a way of eating. On Monday protein intakes, which are a vital food. On Tuesday vegetables, which are not vital add, but essential. On Wednesday added a fruit, which are important not vital or essential. On Thursday, add the bread, which is a useful food. On Friday we add the cheese, which is a tasty and nutritious food. On Saturday add starch, which is the energy element. And Sunday is the festive meal which is what is done for pleasure. Each time we add a layer are understanding the value of a food from the previous. So, every week it is being placed in the minds of people and in the end that is incorporated as a reflex.
MH: What if we skipped a step in that chain or those layers?
PS: It is possible to adapt the method to your own personality and preferences, but always subtracting, not adding. Le you can remove some, but not add. If you love chocolate, you can not make a day of chocolate. If you do not like fish, fish can suppress and instead, take a beef, chicken or tortilla. As is the case with certain fruit. They are no substitute for chocolate fruit.
MH: What symptoms can perceive in the body if we follow this diet?
PS: We call signs of transition. For example, someone who regularly use sugar. For two or three days your body will miss the sugar. Some foods like fruit or bread provide carbohydrates allowed, although not as significant as a candy or a cake, soften the transition. But there are no other special or violent signals. In the first method did get a full cut with sugar and then yes you may have symptoms of fatigue for two or three days, but in the gentle method that does not happen.
MH: How many kilos can be lost with the Dukan diet and the Dukan Diet soft?
PS: Take for example a person wants to lose 10 kilos. With the first method will lose two kilos the first five days, during the first phase, the attack phase. After you lose a kilo a week, with the cruise phase for eight weeks. So, you've lost 10 kilos in two months. If that same person who wants to lose 10 kilos follows this gentle method will lose a kilo in the first week, the second week 900 grams and 800 grams each week thereafter. On average, people lose about 900 grams a week and need to lose those 10 kilos about three months. With the first method would take two months for the second method take three.
MH: What people do not advise this diet?
PS: I advise not to children or pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. Perhaps the latter could advise everyone, but not to give the game a bad intentions, would say the same.
MH: Any food would be prohibited while the bland diet is the day it is?
PD: Foods that do not advise in any way could mention crisps because I consider the anti-food. And be nice to avoid mayonnaise. But I do not want to censor or demonize any food, especially since there is a day of "gala dinner" on Sunday.
Currently, Dr. Pierre Dukan is working on the creation of a foundation, which will be presented in September to investigate the factors that cause obesity, which include preferential place too much sugar in the diet of pregnant women .
Pierre Dukan, the French doctor Dukan Diet creator (thinning method based on a high protein diet shock) has launched 'Soft Dukan method' (RBA), a system which, he explains, is designed for those whose inferor overweight is 15 kilos and want to lose weight at your own pace without having to give a glass of wine or piece of chocolate.
'Soft Dukan method: nutritional steps to learn how to lose weight evenly and not getting fat' is the latest release of French doctor Pierre Dukan, who during the presentation of its publication in Spain did not hesitate to defend himself from criticism by some nutritionists Spaniards to their method. During his interview, we got to know the keys to what he considers a "second front in the war against obesity to which I have dedicated my life."
Question (MH): The word 'soft' included in his new book 'The soft Dukan method' ... responds to an interest in silencing the voices trying to argue about your diet?
Pierre Dukan (PD): No, has not been done to avoid controversy, but because just as there are many motivated people who need to combat overweight there are others who are not. I created Gentle Dukan method as a solution for those who want to lose weight more calm and also have less to lose kilos not want to sacrifice your social life. But this method does not invalidate the soft phased approach, explained in 'can not get slim'. They are two different fighting the same enemy fronts, overweight.
MH: How should we prepare mentalizing or mind to start this method?
PS: The emotion and affection have an important role in weight gain. Many people use food to compensate for their dissatisfaction or as a substitute for other things that can not perform. And calm down with food, are calmer and live well, but that makes them fat. And when they want to stop, lose weight and get back to normal, it costs a lot. To address the gentle method to do less effort because it is an easier method. More playful. Every day there is a new layer of food is added to the previous layer. It is assumed that every day you have a reward. And that until you get to Sunday lunch party. This weekly cycle is much more flexible and playful.
MH: Who would advise you to follow this gentle method?
PS: For people who do not want a performance at any cost, but rather than lose weight long term and balanced manner. Is appropriate if the overweight is less than 15 kilos, if that person no health problems are urging him to recommend and prefer to lose weight fast lose weight at your own pace. Allowing gentle method is to learn to internalize a way of eating. On Monday protein intakes, which are a vital food. On Tuesday vegetables, which are not vital add, but essential. On Wednesday added a fruit, which are important not vital or essential. On Thursday, add the bread, which is a useful food. On Friday we add the cheese, which is a tasty and nutritious food. On Saturday add starch, which is the energy element. And Sunday is the festive meal which is what is done for pleasure. Each time we add a layer are understanding the value of a food from the previous. So, every week it is being placed in the minds of people and in the end that is incorporated as a reflex.
MH: What if we skipped a step in that chain or those layers?
PS: It is possible to adapt the method to your own personality and preferences, but always subtracting, not adding. Le you can remove some, but not add. If you love chocolate, you can not make a day of chocolate. If you do not like fish, fish can suppress and instead, take a beef, chicken or tortilla. As is the case with certain fruit. They are no substitute for chocolate fruit.
MH: What symptoms can perceive in the body if we follow this diet?
PS: We call signs of transition. For example, someone who regularly use sugar. For two or three days your body will miss the sugar. Some foods like fruit or bread provide carbohydrates allowed, although not as significant as a candy or a cake, soften the transition. But there are no other special or violent signals. In the first method did get a full cut with sugar and then yes you may have symptoms of fatigue for two or three days, but in the gentle method that does not happen.
MH: How many kilos can be lost with the Dukan diet and the Dukan Diet soft?
PS: Take for example a person wants to lose 10 kilos. With the first method will lose two kilos the first five days, during the first phase, the attack phase. After you lose a kilo a week, with the cruise phase for eight weeks. So, you've lost 10 kilos in two months. If that same person who wants to lose 10 kilos follows this gentle method will lose a kilo in the first week, the second week 900 grams and 800 grams each week thereafter. On average, people lose about 900 grams a week and need to lose those 10 kilos about three months. With the first method would take two months for the second method take three.
MH: What people do not advise this diet?
PS: I advise not to children or pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding. Perhaps the latter could advise everyone, but not to give the game a bad intentions, would say the same.
MH: Any food would be prohibited while the bland diet is the day it is?
PD: Foods that do not advise in any way could mention crisps because I consider the anti-food. And be nice to avoid mayonnaise. But I do not want to censor or demonize any food, especially since there is a day of "gala dinner" on Sunday.
Currently, Dr. Pierre Dukan is working on the creation of a foundation, which will be presented in September to investigate the factors that cause obesity, which include preferential place too much sugar in the diet of pregnant women .