10 ways to lose weight fast

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as:

10 ways to lose weight fast

1-If you want to lose those 2 kilos more that make your clothes do not fit you as it should, we suggest the following 10 tips for soon you can return to your ideal size and feel comfortable and lightweight as ever.

2-Say goodbye dressings, salads do not work if they tortilla chips, ranch dressing or mayonnaise. Use lemon.

3-Write a diary of what you eat. Take control over the amount of food you eat and drink.

4-Pull over away from the entrance gates. Walk everything you can on the day.

5-Avoid eating bread, but if you can not leave it intended to be comprehensive. Has more fiber and less calories.

6-Avoid soda and replace it with water. If you can not survive without soda, consumes only 1 per day and is diet.

7-Avoid the center aisles of the supermarket, there are processed products. Better check the fresh product.

8-Prepare your meals at home. Avoid eating establishments where the size of the dish is bigger than your home.

9-Remember that the size of a healthy portion of meat or fish should be the size of the palm of your hand. Do not overdo it.

10-Take the stairs and avoid elevators. For every 30 minutes you do you will lose on average 300 calories.
More tips, the link at the bottom
10 ways to lose weight fast


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