I'm down 2 kilos per week, I tell you how

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I'm down 2 kilos per week, I tell you how

Hi all, I want to share with you the diet I'm doing, really easy to wear and do not need to eat rare or hard to find things.

Well, first of all I want to clarify that this diet gave me my doctor because I was diagnosed with Impaired Glucose Tolerance.
All the food we eat is converted into glucose in the body. Sugars, fats and fried foods are transformed into glucose faster than the pancreas to produce enough insulin to absorb them.
So the final box says no sugar, fat and fried foods. Because they are things that I can not eat at all. But it is not necessary for you to avoid them. At least not forever.

This diet is my diet for life. You can avoid sugars, fats and fried by the time they want to follow the diet.

The key is portions (not us live and that are not too large), and avoiding a state of famine.
Many diets restrict food portions and to an extreme level. This makes us lose weight for a while. But then again the known rebound effect. Because our body feels that we went through a crisis, when food was scarce.

The body begins to absorb food reserves has deposited in our body, and that the food we give is very little for. What are stocks? Fat deposited in the body.

So when we begin to feel that eating food in a way "normal" again "reserve" everything not starve if there is another period of famine. And as reserves? Making fat around our body.

My doctor said that this diet is the diet we should all follow. It is a healthy way of eating.

What they should do is eat every 2 or 3 hours. Thus it is eliminating famine. And if we make any kind of physical activity, the better. The first 2 kilos I will go down with diet alone.

Breakfast: - tea or skim milk (one cup)
-4-5 Light toast with cream cheese.
(They can also eat jam Light. In my chart does not appear because it is very difficult to find sweetened jam. Then explain the theme of the ingredients.)

½ morning colación- a fruit, jelly or jelly Light, or a cereal bar Light. (Sometimes I like a glass of yogurt Light.)

Lunch: in the graph what you see is the dish.
Half of your plate should be vegetables, we want, raw or cooked. Less potato, sweet potato (sweet potato) and choclo. Since these "vegetables" belong to the group of carbohydrates and these can eat them in smaller amounts.

Of the remaining half turn to split into two. On one side they are going meats.
That is the portion size of meat that we eat. Any type of meat and if it is chicken, which is cooked skinless. Or we can eat 2 eggs.

The other half are carbohydrates. Noodles or rice (in the comprehensive chart says, because the doctor told me that would be ideal, but the truth is that I have eaten in common.) And in this group do come potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn. Or we can eat 2 slices.
And for dessert a fruit. (Sometimes I like jelly)

Snack: Same as breakfast.

Collation: equal to ½ morning

Dinner: Same as lunch

Things to keep in mind

Drinking 2 to 3 liters of liquid: water, tea juices Light, Light drinks.

Why toast and biscuits if not?
because cookies to be compact containing fat, more fat and more calories than a slice of bread. and between eating a biscuit and a slice of bread. What do you think will give more fullness feeling?

Why not roasted and fresh? because the costs toast to lose moisture more chew, this gives us a greater sense of satiety, but calorie is exactly the same. all depend on how prefer to eat. the myth that bread is fattening because things always accompanied with fattening ... but the bread itself. It does not make us fat. and if elijemos wholemeal bread is better because we are eating fibers. which they are necessary

They can eat up to three servings of fruit per day. Portions are said, because a melon, for example, is itself a (1) fruit, but can not eat a whole one. The same would happen with a bunch of grapes.
The idea is to refer to the size of an apple. Three plums would be a serving of fruit. + 15 grapes - so would.
And you can eat any fruit they want, if even a banana or banana.

You might wonder how you can eat as many fruits, still possessing natural sugar. Well the answer is in the fruit sugars are harder. They take longer to be absorbed into the body, so give it time the pancreas to generate enough insulin.

For products "Light or diet"
Well mainly because there is a difference from the name.
The Light products are reduced values ​​of either sugar, sodium or fat, but that does not mean they do not contain them. Therefore it is important to read food labels thereof.
Many brands as Being (in Argentina) or Next (Chile) 0% claim to be but are products Light. Meaning they do have sugar, but in smaller amounts.
Sometimes they say directly and sometimes say sugar, sucrose, sucralose sweeteners are made based on sugar.

Instead the Diet products are made for people with specific disease. People who can not eat sugar or salt. These products should not contain sugar or salt. But just in case. Read the ingredients.

It is also complicated the term "0%" because in some cases like the Coke Zero drink. 0 means no sugar, but in other cases it does not contain fat.

If you really want to consume a natural sweetener, Stevia can be purchased. That is but a processed plant that sweetens more than sugar. And it's very beneficial, aids digestion, decreases in blood glucose level and is natural .lo which means it is very different from sweeteners that are pure chemicals.

things that will happen

The first week will go to the bathroom more often. This is because the body is detoxing and surely because their level of intake of vegetables will be higher than they were accustomed.

they will feel more energetic. aprovéchenla to exercise, this is going to continue to encourage diet and lose more kilos

they will get used to eating schedules, and will realize what they were messy to eat and how much they ate more things !!! (At least that happens to me)

I honestly just felt hungry all the time on the first day, and then everything was easier and natural

I have been as clear as possible. Like anything you can ask me.
Now you know that you can eat a diabetic or someone with impaired glucose tolerance and not go crazy when they go to their house and do not know to feed them jajaaj

I hope you learn and down all those kilos they want and the way we learn how to eat better


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