Diet for Weight loss 10 kg in 10 days

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Diet for Weight loss 10 kg in 10 days of Angelika

We are inaugurating our new page on the blog, I managed to lose weight. And to start with gold key, a testimonial of a great friend and helping many who, with his great strength and friendship. We are all together in this fight. I hope this is just the first of many to come.
If I can you can
My name is Angélika Oliveira's 29 years old, 1.68 tall and currently 63k.
I was a chubby child and so I grew up and every day I was putting on weight a little to 18 years got to weigh 70 kilos it was a nightmare I received a lot of criticism and even horrible nicknames, many people say that weight loss is only close the mouth, ie, stop eating they do not know how it is so difficult to eliminate weight.
I tried not to diet but took hundreds of remedies, teas, laxatives and even sympathy.
I took so many that I lost count of everything I've tried. Some even worked, lost weight, but when the effect my weight went back around and I did not realize so fast and even won a few extra kilos. Others have not worked more because I took several one after the other and reached the point of no more effect and remains only the "side effects" that had several as nervous, palpitations etc.
It was there that gave me bad account that I was causing my health and I say this from experience not worth this easy method of weight loss and health compromising.
I started to pay more attention to diets bought magazines and was trying gradually got to 65k spent much time with this weight met other diets like the "soup" took about 15 days, but able to reach the 57k made some missteps and back to 65k and I was doing research on diets that met dIET and with the help and support of our dear friend and SUZI and a huge group of friends (the) that are part of this magnificent BLOG dIETS started to have knowledge of many diets tips and important to the health and our well this and eliminated 3k.
I met a Diet 10 10 through one of these blog friends to "Milena".
With this successfully eliminate 3k in 3 days has some important rules to be followed:
Diet 10 10 (Lose 10 kilos in 10 days!)
Before some rules that must be followed to the letter !!!!
* Drink an average of 2 or 3 liters of water per day (NOT DURING MEAL EXPECT NOTHING BUT A Digestion WILL FORWARD, ONE AFTER 30 MINUTES)
* "Pinching is the same to eat, after all you will eat it, do not consume any kind of candy or frying, even a little you will stick to your diet and had not nothing to it
* Do not eat and sleep then this is something of obesa..irá people difficult in your digestion and you stayed with a limp and "plump" belly
* Always brush your teeth after the meal. BECAUSE?
It is part of hygiene and you had not stayed in the mood for a dessert.
* Resist the wrath tentação..sempre appear some candy, remember that the result is better than any food ..
* If you do not resist mean you deserve to be fat (a), then no point do the diet.
Breakfast - until 10:00 (if not, then do not drink coffee)
Lunch - 12:00 to 14:00 (if not, then no lunch)
Snack - 16:00 to 17:00 (if not, do not take the snack)
Dinner - 18:00 to 20:00 (if not, no rim)
The Diet
Breakfast - Natural orange juice 200ml unsweetened and 3 crackers water and salt and 1 apple
Lunch - 1 spoon (soup) of beans and 1 chicken fillet and salad - tomato and lettuce (to taste) (no spice, only salt if you want)
Snack - 1 Orange
Dinner - one or two ladles of broth bean and lemon juice (unsweetened)
DAY 2 -
Breakfast - Natural 200ml pineapple juice without sugar
Lunch - 1 spoon (soup) of rice and 1 of beans and salad - tomato and lettuce (to taste) (no spice, only salt if you want)
Snack - Small Papaya
Dinner - one or two shells bean broth and orange juice (unsweetened)
DAY 3 -
Breakfast basis 1 cup of green tea
Lunch- 1 Vono envelope (bag of soup)
Lanche- 2 pineapple slices
Dinner- 1 spoon (soup) rice and tomato salad, cucumber and lettuce (to taste) (no spice, only salt if you want)
DAY 4 -
fruit diet 10Café 10 in the morning- 1 cup of green tea
Lunch- salad - tomato, cucumber, and cabbage (to taste) (no spice, only salt if you want)
Lanche- 1 lemon and 1 apple (make juice, or as you prefer)
Dinner- 1 Vono envelope (bag of soup)
Day 5 -
Breakfast basis 2 cups of green tea
Lunch - 1 spoon (soup) of beans with medium potato

Snack - 1 Pineapple Slice
Dinner - salad - tomato and lettuce (to taste) (no spice, only salt if you want)
Repeat menus after completing the five days, with dinner, this is not like many out there who have excluded the dinner. This diet is too limited to exclude any meal!
Drink plenty of water at least 2 liters a day!
Stay away from temptation, DO NOT pinch anything that fattening and will not make you lose weight .. if I came up to FLEE temptation and THINK the result!
The time is diet key, is required to respect them
Tips always work out
* Determine schedule for your meals and never eat anything after hours.
* Always do physical activities at least one walks, it helps quite
* Take plenty of water during the day, because at night you can wake up and end up attacking the refrigerator.
* Never go too long without eating when hunger attacks you can eat the first treat to find.
* Take a good glass of ice water before meals that avoid eating too much.
* Take soothing teas evening teas to speed up metabolism during the day, always take digestive teas like fennel, and to detoxify and make provision for a nice walk tea of ​​gorse.
* An important tip is to know will identify hunger because it can often be anxiety, moodiness or any other problem that may be the cause of the will.
* Never have candy at home a real temptation, do not go to the street hungry because you are exposed to hundreds of goodies.
* Fix date to begin and end your diet never change their healthy food for a piece of cake etc. thinking to compensate the next day.
* Do not be experiencing food, it opens the way to eat other foods, the result is a few grams at the end of the day and you do not know why.
* Before lunch start with the salads.
Never works
* Staying in fast thinking will lose weight fast;
* Staying without doing something that only increases the desire for food and the results are slow.
* Overeating pasta, fried foods, salt, fats etc.
* Warm water with vinegar;
* Weigh yourself every day causes anxiety and weight gain is right;
* Take fluids during and after meals.
I went through many difficulties to eliminate weight, but never give up keep insisting with a lot of willpower, and determination will to the end and never give importance to what people say or will say. Some people always say when someone says that this dieting "God forbid, that grace has life with so many restrictions? "
Grace is the end result, thin, beautiful, healthy and good about life and the world.
Is there anything better than to be feeling good about your body, with you and the people around you?
There is nothing more pleasurable than this happy with you and with the world.


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