3 healthy and easy tricks to help you lose weight without exercise!

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3 healthy and easy tricks to help you lose weight without exercise!
Do you want to lose weight? Domina these tricks and will be easier to achieve

The main reason people attend the gym is to lose weight. But what if I told you that exercise is not the most effective way to burn fat? It turns out that the most important thing you can do to get rid of those extra kilos is not to get on the band to run every day, but head out to your kitchen. According to Dr. Patrick Owen, "85-90% of efforts to fat loss should be made in the kitchen, so that nutrition is key!".
With the huge amount of options available, simply choose a diet can be difficult, besides contradictory ideas abound. Dr. Owen presents three tricks you can use to improve your diet immediately and advance on your path to fat loss.

Trick # 1

Stop looking for excuses to eat junk. Seriously, you have to stop. If you know that you are consuming foods are bad for you, no longer justify yourself with things like "I had a bad day" or "I ran in the morning" and better stop eating them altogether. If you keep eating so not only will not you will advance in fat loss, but will end up increasing.

Trick # 2

Investigate on your own. Some foods are obviously unhealthy and it is easy to avoid. But it might surprise you to know that many ingredients in foods that we usually consider healthy as granola and cereals (usually full of sugar) should also be avoided. Get used to read the nutrition labels. A good rule when shopping is to avoid anything containing more than 15g of sugar per serving, or better yet, choose natural and whole foods, those who do not even have labels.

Trick # 3

Do your best to avoid milk, fruit juice or wheat. This is because these foods raise your levels of blood sugars which, in turn, increase your insulin levels, not something you want if you try to burn fat because the body will take the energy of these calorie-dense foods rather than your fat. The truth is that you must keep insulin levels low if you want to burn fat, so avoid those foods if you can.


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