How to lose weight? .6 Tips to lose weight

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How to lose weight? .6 Tips to lose weight

When we embarked on the journey to weight loss, it's hard not to fall into temptation and eat everything you see, and more particularly to return to normal after a period of indulgence.

Nobody wants to gain a significant amount of body fat in a couple of weeks, which need several months of diet to be eliminated.

For those of you who want to make a cake and coméroslo, this short article will give you a few tricks that will allow a degree of flexibility within your diet, without the unwanted fat gain

How to Lose Weight?

What I'm trying to achieve is to combine science with a little common sense to allow people to eat what you eat other people without worrying too much about the consequences.

Contrary to what people said in recent years, eating more energy is spent for an extended period of time is basically what causes fat gain.

Therefore, the following strategies work minimizing the chances supercharging

# 1 Stock up on lean protein and vegetables

Given the satiating power of lean protein like chicken, turkey and some fish (eg cod and tuna), consume this protein will make you fill your stomach before going to other dishes or desserts with more calories, leaving less prone to overfeeding.

By adding some vegetables to these foods or protein snacks their satiating properties are also added.

This advice helps you to avoid restrictions on food that can cause overfeeding simply helps you feel full before taking other higher-calorie dishes, which you took fewer.

# 2 Test intermittent fasting

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Although there are many ways of intermittent fasting, I am talking about is the focus of increasing lean mass, the idea of ​​Martin Berkhan.

His approach includes fasting for 14-16 hours every day, leaving the person a window of 8-10 hours to consume all the food of the day (usually taking 2-3 major meals)

This would be perfect for those who have to go to a social event which will likely include sugary and fatty snacks.

A person can use this approach to fast (or just eat lean protein and vegetables) during the day and then consume all (or most) your calories tonight if you know that you will have those sweet temptations.

If they are to take as much food during the day, there is no reason for not fasting (or only consume protein) during the day, or during the day

Using this protocol, until the person what to eat, is unlikely to consume many more calories you need to maintain them.

No. 3 Organize meals outside when possible

This advice is a bit random, but it's a good point. And anyway, whom he needs to be told twice about eating out?

Eating out is the last point of damage control. If you go to a party of friends it is very easy to take several pieces of cake or anything that catches your attention.

However, if you're in a restaurant, you can only imagine the discomfort of order three desserts.

No. 4 reduces glycogen stores

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As added to increase fat burning, reduce glycogen stores for food, increase the likelihood of the carbs you consume are stored as glycogen rather than used as energy, possibly being stored as fat, is like taking those calories freely.

To reduce glycogen stores, you need to increase your training volume, either by an event or food or generally as part of your daily lifestyle. This is best accomplished in several ways:

Strength Training:
By 8-12 repetitions per set and increasing the number of sets (4-8 depending few body parts are training)

On the other hand you can just run or increase kilometer bike at sufficient intensity (two or three additional efforts 60 minutes should empty your glycogen stores, assuming that you are compensating with food intake)

No. 5 Go for low calorie options

Most of those points refer to social events, and even if you're sure you can resist 100%, it is always better to learn a few tricks to avoid sabotaging the diet.

You see by the lower calorie options cakes or other desserts, for example, if you have a craving for something really sweet, try a sorbet or share a dessert, if possible

For alcohol, opt for soft drinks mixed with sugar to take the minimum amount of calories

# 6 Have a damage control

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This relates to the previous point about not eating everything you have in sight, or until you feel you're going to explode. Sometimes when people eat something I think you should not get fed until they can eat no more.

They see it as a failure to break your diet, but some rationalized thinking if I can eat a piece of cake, I can also eat three.

If you go to a party or to eat whatever you want food, but stop eating when you're satisfied. It is no use just eat by the desire to eat, and they probably regret the long term. Basically, eat whatever you like and enjoy it, and not feel guilty.

However, if you know you should not open up Pandora's box, I definitely would advise point # 1 and you take some healthy snacks, as crazy as it may seem, many people do, be prepared and take a sugary snack when you have the will, as doing you at home you can prepare a healthy protein snacks.

Although all points work by themselves, you can combine them to increase their effectiveness. For example, developing glycogen reduction, while intermittent fasting, followed by a meal out, probably ensure that you do not overfeed. In fact, opportunities are much greater fat loss.

There are other things you can do, but for most people, I think these are the most effective without being restrictive guidelines.

As a final point, I would suggest you to stay away from the scale and body weight tends to fluctuate regardless of the amount of fat due to variations in sodium intake and carbohydrates. This water retention can lead you to think you've caught 3 kg of fat in a couple of days, however, for this to happen, you would have to have a daily intake of Kcal extras 11000


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