Powerful Diet To Lose Weight In A Week 5 Kilos

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as: ,

Powerful Diet To Lose Weight In A Week 5 Kilos 

If you are looking for fine snacks to eat half the day, you have a list of foods that will help you take care of your figure without sacrificing taste. 
1- Oranges: You help control appetite in no time. We recommend you eat them into wedges. You'll get a boost of energy. Its fiber is more soluble compared with other fruits. 
2 Yogurt: A cup of yogurt has 150 calories on average. A cup of light yogurt has less than 100. 
3 Natural Popcorn: Half cup will help you fight cravings later. Do not use oil and do them in the microwave to have fewer calories, here's how. 
4 Almonds: 24 almonds have 168 calories. They are a great source of vitamin B. A quarter cup of almonds contains natural biotin, vitamin E, manganese, vitamin B2, fiber and magnesium. 
Avena 5-: Also used as a natural remedy for acne. 
6-Watermelon: Pair it with feta cheese for a sweet snack-settled. 1 cup of watermelon has 46 calories. 
7- Sunflower seeds: 20% of them are protein. A quarter cup of sunflower seeds contains 68 calories. 
8- Hummus: It contains about 20 essential amino acids. One tablespoon of hummus has 27 calories. 
9-Cottage cheese: A food rich in protein and low in calories. 
10-Oaxaca Cheese: A source of calcium with fewer calories (do not eat more than half a cup)
Powerful Diet To Lose Weight In A Week 5 Kilos 


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