What is your blood type? This is your diet

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What is your blood type? This is your diet

The blood type diet is one of the strangest we've found. Created by James and Peter D'Adamo doctors, establishes a number of foods that you are better according to the type of blood that runs through your veins. 

We travel to the 80s Nutrition expert James D'Adamo realize their diets, which are assumed healthy for everyone, do not work well depending on who the person is. With this buzz in his head, puts his jacket with shoulder pads and gets to drive the streets of New York listening to Police as he ponders where he might be the key. Suddenly, a light bulb goes on in your head: what if the blood type? Good thing you did not think diet Vidal i shere ... 

Dr. D'Adamo is, with his son Peter, the main developer of the theory of the diet according to blood group, which argues that there are beneficial or harmful depending on the food group to which we belong. They are based on the theory of evolution, by associating each blood type to a certain point in human history. Thus, associated with the oldest, group 0, the Cro-Magnon man, whose power was based on meat proteins. Next to appear is group A, which they linked to the consumption of cereals and vegetables and so on to the B and AB, the most recent. 

With this in their heads, draw a food table so that everyone knows what suits him or whatever comes amiss. However, a little cover also leaving room for error with a "well, sometimes there may be a group of people which do not meet our standards." What patterns are those? Let's see. 

The group 0 Your diet should be made up of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. On the contrary, has to say vade retro cereals and legumes, you can feel bad, because not tolerated. Among the most recommended foods, which also can help you lose weight, would be broccoli, spinach or fish and shellfish. Dairy and eggs in moderation. In this sense, the idea of Dr. D'Adamo would have in common with the paleodiet. 

The group A. For this group, Dr. D'Adamo recommends based on grains, vegetables and fruit diet. You should not eat too many meat, fish and processed foods, as these foods not tolerate too well. Especially appropriate for their ability to make weight, are pineapple or vegetable oils. Yes to dairy, but also with eggs caution: no more than four a week. 

The more balanced group B, according to D'Adamo, which is also associated with companies 'nomadic'. Thus, they can follow a more varied diet and in which there are fewer restrictions. It is true that wheat or legumes tend to be the most fattening foods you, but, on the contrary, has a body better suited to dairy, eggs or meat. 

The group AB. These individuals are considered "more evolved" as they emerged less than 1,000 years ago. That makes them a little mystery in the eyes of the physician D'Adamo. Your diet would be a combination of groups A and B. That is, it is varied, but at the same time, you should try not to eat meat or processed foods. That is, if you belong to this group, it is difficult to draw conclusions ...


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