If you want to lose weight ,eat spicy!

Posted by SmartAliShopping  |  Tagged as: ,

If you want to lose weight ... eat spicy! 

Sure it's something we've all heard at least once in our life and, even if we have been dieting or slimming diets: eat spicy, eat, it helps you lose weight. Yes, indeed they are not wrong if you say that, because the spicy, my dear, it does help you lose weight. 
Initially lack of knowledge, to explain that people who included more spicy foods in their diet experienced a greater reduction in body fat in the body, said it was because spicy food and, in particular, hot spices, rose body heat, getting fat body the energy to do it. But it seems, and mechanism of action of spicy foods on our bodies and how we help you lose weight is much more advanced than previously thought. read more link at the bottom
If you want to lose weight ... eat spicy! 

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