What factors cause obesity?
There are many causes involved in the occurrence of the problem. Besides, the bad habits (poor diet and lack of exercise), and organic there are genetic factors that induce their occurrence. Recent research suggests that, on average, the genetic influence contributes approximately 33 percent of the body weight, but this influence may be higher or lower in a particular person.
They can also influence socioeconomic factors. These factors strongly influence obesity, especially among women. In some developed countries, the prevalence of obesity more than doubled among women of low socioeconomic status than among higher level.
The reason that socioeconomic factors have a powerful influence on the weight of women not fully understood but it is known that the measures against obesity increase the social level. Women who belong to groups of higher socioeconomic status have more time and resources for dieting and exercises that allow them to adapt to these social demands.
Definitely the whole environment around us is a big influence to develop obesity. All the social environment revolves around food and drink.
The food has become a "prize" behavior or "best end" for a good deal.
All religions have an environment with the type of food to be ingested (wakefulness, kosher, liquids with full moon, etc.).
Physical inactivity is a major cause of obesity.
It is proven that physical activity is one of the major determinants of the use of the body's energy.
The fact increase physical activity causes the body to have to use more calories and makes the heat balance of the body is not more favorable to obese.
Obesity origin in the hypothalamus
Cushing's disease (high cortisol levels)
Hypothyroidism (low thyroid levels)
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Growth hormone deficiency
The origin tricyclic antidepressants have shown an increase in fat and a significant weight gain, obesity presenting box.
The long treatment with corticosteroids have shown an increase in fat and weight, also presenting obesity.
High calorie nutrition
Definitely the consumption of more calories than our body needs causes the heat balance accumulates more calories and for every 7,500 calories that our body is increased accumulate 1 kg of weight, and this leads to a picture of obesity.
It is shown that in most cases of obesity, we find a multifactorial origin. Thus, treatment is more complicated because they have to attend several causes to achieve the goal.