Diet 4 days.

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How to lose weight in record time I. Diet 4 days.

Raquel Fernández Vega.

 Every year there are different holidays (Christmas, Easter, summer vacations, etc.), time of fun, family, new experiences ... and binge. Then come the lamentations especially if you already got to the holidays with a kilo more. This also applies to any other event that makes us spend risk weight, such as a family celebration. If we go on holiday with three kilos more surely around the corner, we and five kilos to spare.

What to do then? Obviously we're not going to spend the holidays counting calories and eating lettuce or talk !, why I propose lose a few pounds before these celebrations and thus win some weight though, the "day after" will not be as traumatic.

We all know that if we lose weight we must implement measures based on reducing calorie intake and increasing our energy expenditure. Therefore, to lose weight, remember that we must follow a reduced calorie diet and physical exercise.

Exercise not only helps you lose fat and weight loss: also develops muscle mass that increases energy expenditure of the body (even when resting muscle requires more energy to maintain than fat).

This applies whenever we want to lose weight or just stay fit, but if we lose weight in record time can follow some quick diets designed for emergency situations.

Diet to lose weight in four days:

Breakfast: grapefruit and coffee with saccharin.

A mid-morning and mid-afternoon: nonfat yogurt

Day 1:

Lunch: salad of lettuce and tomato. Grilled steak. apple

Dinner: green beans. 2 boiled eggs.

Day 2:

Lunch: salad of lettuce. Grilled chicken and tomato.

Dinner: mashed squash. Apple.

Day 3:

Lunch: salad of lettuce. Grilled burgers. apple

Dinner: tomato salad. Chicken baked or grilled. plum

Day 4:

Food: green beans. 2 scrambled eggs. Tomato

Dinner: salad of lettuce. Grilled steak. Pineapple.


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