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  Tips for choosing you better diet, Nutrition, Recipes
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         How to Lose Weight - Diets

Have you heard of the apple diet? Is a loss diet
popular weight has many versions. Many of these versions
are healthy and working for weight loss.

The apple diet has become very popular in relation to the
weight loss and detox the body. In this article I will
share with you the best practices and lose weight
quickly and easily with Apple's diet.

The Diet Apple is a good choice if you want to perform
a short diet to get instant results. This does not
say that their effectiveness is permanent. To keep those kilos
you lost and balance the body should eat healthy food you
provide all the necessary nutrients in the day.

First, why the apple diet works?

One reason why it works the apple diet has to
see with high water content and high fiber in each
apple. The high water content allows you to basically "eat water".
Foods that mostly have lots of water, are generally
low in calories but filling enough. For example, bar
300 calories chocolate will not fill, but if 300 calories in apples.

As I mentioned, this diet is excellent because each block contains 5
grams of fiber in it. Much has soluble and insoluble fiber. have
a high intake of fiber is an important part programs
weight loss with the long term success.

We just have to imagine that the average American consumes only
about 12 grams of fiber a day. It is recommended that you consume

25 grams of fiber each day. However, I advocate consume 35 to
50 grams of fiber each day to lose weight the easy way long term.

There are 2 rules for apple diet.

Eat one apple before each meal

This is the main rule. Very simple, right?

To lose weight by eating apples, you have to be committed to
important rule:. * eat an apple before each meal * The
Apples are a great source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and are
also a catalyst for fat loss. Fruits in general
contain a lot of water, which means you can
fill them quite easily without consuming calories
unnecessary. Do not worry about water weight, because your
body naturally gets rid of it through the urine.

It is advisable to eat the shell that is where the
more fiber and vitamins. Therefore we recommend
try to buy organic or guaranteed that there are
chemicals used during cultivation. If you are unsure and
doubt, wash them thoroughly before eating.

Remember, * only eat one apple before each meal
main. * Nothing more. I will not even tell you to stop eating your
favorite foods. Obviously, if you eat a little healthier,
you increase the speed of weight loss. But I will not force
eating healthier.

 Rule  2: 

    Do not forget Rule  1

Seriously, there is only one rule in the apple diet. However,
I want to add that I've noticed that people who have tried
apple diet simply perform better when
follow rule # 1 and eat healthier foods.

That's all you have to change in your diet apple, eating
an apple before each meal and eating food
healthy. You can still eat your food, but you must
eating unhealthy snacks.

Therefore, if you want a weight loss plan not easy
is complicated and does not require much effort on your part, diet
apple is your best choice.

       Recommendations should keep in mind when you're doing
       Diet Apple:

Apple Diet Recommendations

* Always eat at least an apple before each meal.
       o The objective sought is that the fiber in apples make you
         feel full and sweetness eliminate cravings.
   * Recommended follow a diet plan low carb.

o As I mentioned earlier you can follow your diet
         daily, but I recommend you follow a diet plan with
         a relatively low consumption and reducing carbohydrates
         saturated fat; diet thus be more effective.
   * Eating 4 to 5 times daily.
       or not only for this diet is recommended eat 4-5 times a
         day in small proportions healthy foods, is common
         in diets on the basis that it speeds up your metabolism, Each
         Food should also be a source of lean protein because
         has been shown to reduce appetite and weight loss improvement.
   * Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables
       or addition to apples you should eat daily diets
         You are advised to include six servings of fruits and vegetables.
         This allows you to reduce your calorie intake without feeling hungry.
   * Take at least 2 or more liters of water, ie more than 8 glasses of water.

The Diet apple you just saw is the original diet,
just eat one apple before each meal, but there have been
other much more strict diets derived from this as you
show below.


Apple Diet Weight Loss


Make three meals of apples. You can take you
feel hungry no quantity limits. Yes, the first day should eat only

Breakfast: Apples (the ones you want)
Food: A green salad with lemon or vinegar and a little salt
Dinner: Apple (the ones you want).

Breakfast: Whole wheat bread with a slice of turkey ham and apple.
Food: Abundant green salad with celery and carrot.
Dinner: Apples (the ones you want)

Breakfast: Whole wheat bread with a slice of turkey ham and apple.
Lunch: salad of steamed vegetables without natural tuna, potatoes and
seasoned with lemon.
Dinner: A glass of skim milk with rice cereal.

Breakfast: An apple, bread and a boiled egg.
Food: A salad of raw vegetables and roast beef (which most appeals).
Dinner: Apples (the ones you want).


   * It is recommended not to eat pork and fat at the end of the diet.
   * During exercise and diet do not practice seeks rest 8 hours
     a day at least.
   * Drink plenty of water (2 or more liters a day) avoiding drinks
     dietary albeit gas.

As in many others. This diet indicates the foods that best
They congenial with apple for diet and which should be avoided to
be effective:

    * * Prohibited foods
       or pasta
       or Chocolate
       or Fats and fat in general
    * * Foods Allowed
       or wholemeal bread
       turkey or ham
       or cooked eggs
       or Steamed vegetables
       or skim milk
       or natural Tuna
       or grilled meats.

Apple Diet Tips

* The duration of this diet should not exceed 5 days.
   * In some cases you may notice a slight stomach ache
     produced by the switching power supply.
   * In making this diet may appear somewhat due to acne
   * This diet is not recommended for very anxious people or are
     going through a period of stress.
   * Prior to this and any other diet should go to your doctor ..


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